Celtic Cable

Celtic Cable

Guest Book


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A New Project, and a Mended Doggie

Thanks everyone for the well-wishes. Despite the sad puppy face here, Georgie Girl is just about back to normal health!

This is how I get goodies. And pats on the head. And attention. 

Don't let the well-rehearsed puppy-dog-eyes get to you. I've seen her practicing that look in the mirror. 

I'm happy to report that my doggly is feeling much better. It wouldn't have happened without the good folks at Paradise Animal Hospital, and their patience trying different tactics to get her to eat, and the vet techs' constant attention to her for three days! Georgie Girl had a little crate right there in the middle of their work area in the back, and they fussed over her for three straight days. She absolutely loved the attention. I know it's their job to take care of animals, but they genuinely care about them and they get personally involved. They were just as worried as I was when Georgie didn't seem to be improving on the second day.

It finally came down to having to give her an appetite stimulant, at which point she was willing to eat out of the vet's hand. And then my hand. And I had a day or so to worry that she would never eat out of a dish again, so spoiled was she! But all's well that ends well, as Shakespeare said, and Georgie Girl is a happy little doggy again. Despite the sad face. Seriously, don't fall for it! She is posing for the camera.

On the knitting front, I am on a bit of a break, but determined to do something about this lovely handspun I have laying around. 

Merino, which I spun as singles, and then twisted with matching cotton thread. 

I don't want to name this project yet because I'm not sure I'll stick with it. (Okay, the honest truth is I scavenged Ravelry, found a likely pattern, wrote it down on a piece of paper to follow, then forgot what the pattern was.) I don't think I can pull this back if I change my mind, because I didn't give it a lot of twist so it isn't very sturdy.

This is exactly what I envisioned when I started spinning it; a thick, loosely spun yarn with a lot of fluffy character!  I think it will make a lovely warm wrap for the winter time. Or the summer time in my chilly office. 

Good luck to everyone participating in the Tour de Fleece! 

Don't forget to stop by Tamis Amis for Work-in-Progress Wednesday.


  1. Very pretty hands pun, it looks so soft. X

  2. I hope Georgie is up to par soon! good luck with your project. The yarn looks well done. :)

  3. I am so glad she is feeling better! She does have a sad face, all the better to get treats right? The hand spun is beautiful, I really like the color!

  4. Oh I have done that before! I usually throw the paper out. So glad that your pup is feeling better. And very pretty hand spun.

  5. So happy to hear that Georgie Girl is doing better. :-)


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