Celtic Cable

Celtic Cable

Guest Book


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Welcome Back!

That was for me. I've not blogged for a couple months. I noticed that knitting blogs have sort of fallen away, and I felt a little discouraged. I don't really want to go into Pinterest, so I will spend the holiday time mulling over what to do. Continue with Blogger? Move to Pinterest? I use Pinterest now to find recipes, I guess it wouldn't be much harder to use it for knitting, but I would have to acquire the necessary adapters to move photos from my camera to my ipad.

Okay, well, on to the knitting. The weather here has been so strange, thanks to El Nino. Below freezing a few days, then in the 60s and 70s. It really doesn't make me want to knit!

A while back, I started this shawl.

The yarn is something unique I picked up at Sheep and Wool a couple-three years back. I started one shawl, didn't like it, painstakingly ripped back ... the yarn is thick-and-thin, much like something I would spin if I were being lazy or careless. I decided on a simple pattern, starting with 3 cast on, yarning over on either side of a central stitch. I'm up to about 130 stitches now.

Here it is outside, where it appears blue.

The yarnover spine down the middle (picture indoors, now it's purply again).

I'm slowly working on a hexipuff blanket. I really enjoy this project, but I don't attend to it often.

Pretty Kitty gives it her mark of approval.

I also tossed off about 4 cup cozy thingies for friends at work. They're not very practical, but it was a nice way to use up leftover yarn.

Hopefully I'll see more of all of you, but if I must move to Pinterest, then move I must. Or is there something new everyone is doing these days, that I'm not aware of?

Molly measures my level of coolness, and finds it lacking.  


  1. Do you use Flipboard as an app? If you put knitting as an interest, some things appear there, but they sometimes refer back to Ravelry. Ravelry is still the best, methinks. Glad to see you are still here and knitting! Merry Christmas!

  2. I still blog because it's where I can really express myself. Pinterest is no draw for me, I prefer pictures with stories, just pictures has no life. I guess I view pinterest as things I want to track down later, but they most seem to connect back to a blog?

  3. I still blog, although sporadically this year. I've never gotten the hang of Pinterest. Reading blogs gives me a glimpse of how others live and craft. This year has been a real roller coaster ride and hopefully it will settle down and I can blog more frequently. I'll miss you if you move to Pininterest, so please stay. I think most bloggers realize that life gets in the way.

  4. I haven't been to Pinterest yet.

    I like blogs too, where (real or not) there is more of a connection with the author.

    It's been a tough year, but I've been spending more time writing and reading lately.

  5. I took an unexpected break from blogging, due to several reasons...but I'm back too...I do host a Wednesday WIP hookup....I don't do Pinter St, but I am on Instagram...

  6. Hi Beth! I'm still here too, just not blogging. Things have been so busy this year, but I'm still knitting. On Ravelry I'm Andij101, if you want to friend up :) glad to see you back. I really only use Pinterest for recipes.........but still check my blog feeds regularly. We certainly have lost a lot of great blogs in the last few years.

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