Celtic Cable

Celtic Cable

Guest Book


Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Rose for the Spinster ...

Oops! A friend tells me I forgot about "WIPnesday." So I did. Perhaps because I was finishing up a 10 page research paper on the necessity of feminism in the 3rd world and the importance of the "other" voice ... anyway, I submitted that last night and then had a celebratory brandy-and-orange-liquor or two. And watched four hours of "Bones" on streaming video and had weird dreams.

So, "Women Writers" is finished, and I am ready for the last class I have to take for this degree ...

Literary Theory! A class so jam-packed with papers and required reading, that I saved it for last. For the record, I've already written a paper on "Heart of Darkness," and unfortunately, I can't recycle it because the topic will be different. Drat! I've never read "Waiting for Godot," but I don't really enjoy reading plays (except Shakespeare). Other works I will be examining are "Hamlet," and "A Rose for Emily," which I have always liked. The spinster in me likes the idea of poisoning a caddish suitor and keeping his decaying body in a wedding suit in an upstairs bedroom for forty years.

Maybe I should ease up on watching so much "Bones." Here's a distraction:

The go-to-meeting socks are done! I finished all but the cast-off row in our weekly staff meeting yesterday, and bound off at my desk and promptly put them on, because my socks were wet from the long walk in from the parking lot. They are too big, no surprise there, but they will work very nicely under my winter boots. I cast on a new pair of go-to-meeting socks last night:

These are intended for a friend's child. Since she has four, it will be for whomever it fits, hopefully the eldest. It looks a bit funny because I like to ktbl on my cuffs, to make it look neater. Ribbing stretches out so easily at the top.

Here is my work-in-progress, that I spend 90% of my knitting time on:

I had to stop working on it last night, because it's time to start the color chart, and I'd had a couple of the aforementioned brandy-and-orange-liquors. I was afraid I'd mess up the chart, not to mention miss some crucial aspect of "Bones," if I tried to do both. I should be done with this sweater within a couple weeks, just in time for the chilly weather.

   Here is the obligatory cute-animal picture. Georgie Girl declined to have her picture taken -- I've just given her a rather amateurish hair cut, and she's being camera-shy. So here instead is Petunia trying to figure out what a sunbeam is ....


And a couple of kitties on the windowsill, enjoying the nice day!

One final note ... another friend has started a blog. It focuses on healthy and delicious recipes. Enjoy! 

I hope to have a much-closer-to-finished sweater next time I blog!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh... I feel better now. Love how the meeting socks came out :) I just pulled my knee socks out yesterday for winter use. Very much looking forward to that! Not quite cold enough for to-the-knee socks in the house just yet, but wanted them to be handy for that day when it arrives! See you for dinner Friday!


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