Celtic Cable

Celtic Cable

Guest Book


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Really Not Doing Much

I've been a bit of a sluggard on the knitterly front lately. After finishing or frogging all of my projects, I find myself in a bit of a knitting blah. I halfheartedly knit a mitered scarf, then had oodles of yarn left over ... so I halfheartedly started a hat.

I'm hoping to make it really long and tapering, with random decreases in the middle, so that there aren't any obvious seams. Just a funny, whimsical hat to wear around the neighborhood while walking the dog, or on the track if it's a really cold day.

And here's a Zauberball sock.

I guess I'm just in a wee bit of a slump! I'm sure it'll pick up soon. Usually I get these in July or August. February/March is prime knittin' time! I don't know what my problem is.

I'll leave you with a photo I took at work the other day, a sticker on the back of someone's Cooper Mini (Remember I live in the Baltimore area, and Baltimore has the absolutely absurd nickname of "Charm City")

Don't forget to head over to Andrea's on Friday, for Fiber Arts Friday! 


  1. Don't you hate when you get in a knitting funk. There have been times when I just don't know what to knit nor do I want to. Thankfully, I usually go in to a spinning spree.

  2. Considering that this has not been the usual winter I'm not surprised. Usually we're freezing all winter and housebound and are then motivated to do all kinds of fibery things. This year, however, we've had more time to get out and about since there's been hardly any snow...cuts down on the knitting mojo I think. Perhaps you should try some spinning? Just sayin...
    I love the Zauberball socks!

  3. Oh WOW, the sock is awesome, you'll never want to take them off! (Happy eyes!) Don't worry about the knitting slump, I'll bet it's because a wonderful project is percolating around in the nether regions of your brain waiting for the right time to surface, I bet it's a doozy!

  4. Yea, what Melissa said. :-)

    So Baltimore is the Charm City? OK... but why the rat??

  5. Love your mitered scarf in the other post. Knitting slump? I usually end up eating instead, which I wouldn't recommend.

  6. Sending smiles.....hate knitting slumps! Here hoping it ends soon.

  7. I hate a funk, though I usually go from 0 to 6 projects in no time flat. I love the socks, they are cool!

  8. Well... for a funk, your work is really gorgeous. Definitely interested seeing your hat finished. Love the colors.

  9. As a former Baltimore resident, I'm in total appreciation of the sticker, HA! :)

    Anyway, I think the sock looks great, and your hat is coming along nicely! If this is a slump, I'd say it's a pretty good one! :)


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