Celtic Cable

Celtic Cable

Guest Book


Friday, July 23, 2010

Inaugural Blog Post!

Hello! Welcome to my first blog and first blog posting! This will probably be all about knitting and spinning, so my non-knitting friends (which is most of them, unfortunately, poor misguided souls) will probably be bored with it, but I hope they'll still visit and give advice and compliments.

The weather in Baltimore is hot and humid, so I am choosing my knitting projects with lightness in mind; a laceweight wrap....click to make larger (click twice for even larger!)

...and my first attempt at Entrelac, using Knitpicks Peruvian Highland wool:

And even though it was so humid the wool stuck to my clothes and skin, I managed to spin two full skeins of this lovely BFL that I picked up at Maryland Sheep and Wool 2010, from the Misty Mountain Farm booth ....

It is light as air, and wonderful to spin.

Here are two singles of the BFL (on the bobbins) and one skein plied with plain white corriedale, spun as finely as I could manage:

It's unbelievably soft! Wish there were a link that allowed you to reach in and feel it.


  1. I love the bold color of the laceweight wrap. Where are the pictures of your new cardy?

  2. I saw your post on the Ravelry list and thought I'd pop in and say hello. Hot and humid here in North Carolina too! Seeing your spinning makes me want to get my wheel back out! I'm at http://www.paperstarfish.prettyposies.com!

  3. Thanks, Paige! I popped over to your site, I couldn't quite figure out who you were on Ravelry!

    SLC, once I get a good picture of me in the cardigan, one that is NOT me taking my own picture in the bathroom mirror ... then I'll post it!


I would love to hear from you!